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Climate Change. Our Failure.

Lake Mead is drying up. The hottest temperatures ever recorded in London. Sparking unprecedented wildfires across Europe. The sea level consistently continues to not only rise but rise even faster as time goes on. The Western Antarctic Ice Sheet may totally collapse at the end of this century. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are higher now then they have been in more then 2 million years.

We've wasted decades of precious time doing almost nothing. Conservatives denied the scientific data for decades and still continue to do so. Their excuses growing more absurd as the effects of climate change become more extreme with the passage of time. Many governments of the world have had little success pushing impactful global warming legislation. Over the last century our collective negligence has created an impending climate change apocalypse for our children to live in and we are all responsible.
It's so selfish and short-sighted that certain politicians have decided to pretend this isn't happening to win votes and prop up their friends and benefactors in non-sustainable industries.
I mean, imagine hiring a climate change denier to oversee the Environmental Protection Agency...Yeah, that's the kind of bullshit we're dealing with.

Yeah hopefully with enough political will we can mitigate the consequences of our past policies.
@Pikachu It can be done. Although not in our lifetime almost certainly. But I hope when I'm like 80 or so, we will be well on our way to restoring our environment.

Fingers crossed!
All I will say is that a tipping point has been reached regarding EVs, America has just passed legislation for the first time in decades. Where America leads the rest may follow. Signs of change are everywhere. Governments can do a lot more, and soon they will have to.

It's going to get worse before it gets better for sure, but I refuse to give up hope.
LizOwen · 41-45, F
@SW-User Let's hope so. If the US puts their money where their mouth is, things might improve.
@LizOwen Big Finance is just as important as Big Oil, if not more so
LizOwen · 41-45, F
@SW-User No disagreement from me, there.
JaneDoe23 · F
People ruin everything.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
But it snows in Winter...scientists get things wrong...Greta Thunberg...the deep state...Bill Gates...
fun4us2b · M
Did you see 60 minutes last night? They are using water from Colorado river to farm in the desert. Does that make any kind of sense?
QueenOfZaun · 26-30, F
@SW-User Perhaps wise and educated would be better terminology
@QueenOfZaun somewhat educated :)
fun4us2b · M
@SW-User Well said and so true that we are far from implementing rational policies. Hopefully we will see some glimmer of progress during our lifetimes.
A very sad truth and I am afraid it is too late. Mankinds ignorance and stupidity (especially from the conservative right) brings chaos and destruction upon our beautiful planet.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
Fear mongering doesn't help. I like how everyone acts like a climate change expert when all they do is believe whatever "news" they get from memes or from CNN, despite the fact that scientists who actually study climate change have said that the claim that the world will soon end from climate change isn't true. I don't like conservatives either, but I also don't like the constant screaming and fear mongering from leftists, either. Btw China and India pollution way more than America does, yet nobody wants to actually address that.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
Yes we are . Sadly money and profit talk louder and greed and as long as that is the case nothing will change . If we stop using gas and go to cleaner energy the losers are gonna be the big energy companies and they dont want to be out of pocket . Imagine if everyone had solar on their rooves and a windmill in their garden creating their own energy , bye bye big energy companies . Imagine battery driven cars , buses etc . Bye bye oil companies oh dear . This is why nothing drastic will change .
Tracos · 51-55, M
but at least the major commercial organizations had some great shareholder value
caesar7 · 61-69, M
As long as the world does nothing to deal with this crisis, we are on a crashing course to our demise. Just a matter of time.

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