Climate Change. Our Failure.
Lake Mead is drying up. The hottest temperatures ever recorded in London. Sparking unprecedented wildfires across Europe. The sea level consistently continues to not only rise but rise even faster as time goes on. The Western Antarctic Ice Sheet may totally collapse at the end of this century. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are higher now then they have been in more then 2 million years.
We've wasted decades of precious time doing almost nothing. Conservatives denied the scientific data for decades and still continue to do so. Their excuses growing more absurd as the effects of climate change become more extreme with the passage of time. Many governments of the world have had little success pushing impactful global warming legislation. Over the last century our collective negligence has created an impending climate change apocalypse for our children to live in and we are all responsible.
We've wasted decades of precious time doing almost nothing. Conservatives denied the scientific data for decades and still continue to do so. Their excuses growing more absurd as the effects of climate change become more extreme with the passage of time. Many governments of the world have had little success pushing impactful global warming legislation. Over the last century our collective negligence has created an impending climate change apocalypse for our children to live in and we are all responsible.