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Life continually shows me, that I walk alone.

It's not healthy, I crave friends/community. But people either want to consume me with need or only use me when it suits them. I know I am worth more, but it's not coming. I will pick myself up and carry on being a good mom, loving nature and I will stand up for your human rights and mine. I'm not afraid of sadness or dying alone, just sad that I couldn't give the love I know I am capable of, for the sake of putting something good into the world.

I believe in you, from a distance 🌊
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SwampFlower · 31-35, F
This was something that was missing for most of my life and I remember this feeling all too well. It seems like it gets harder and harder to create meaningful connections with each passing year.

You are a good human and I hope you do eventually find your people. You mention loving nature and defending human rights...have you looked into any local meetups or advocacy groups that may need volunteers? Just a thought to get you to branch out and possibly meet other like minded people.

Good luck ❤
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@MarbleMarvel That is so hard and I am so sorry it is happening in your home town. We see it play out in our local communities here too and it is always so tragic.

Do you have any idea where you want to go?
@SwampFlower Tucson AZ. We loved it in our travels. My son and I didn't have pain there, the warm and dry air helps, the sunshine. It's a vibrant community there. People are genuinely kind, look you in the eye. I have no idea how to do it all alone but I will.

Thank you for being so sweet and encouraging. Sending love to you. I know you're having a rough time too, but I always believe in you 🫂
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@MarbleMarvel I believe in you, too, friend 🤗🤗❤
You are worth more and I am glad you see that. I see so many that don't realize that fact. Myself included sometime.
@Bexsy I prefer silly to anything else
@MarbleMarvel me too, everything else kinda fades. Superficial. Make me laugh and i make you laugh though. Now we're talking
@Bexsy exactly. Keep smiling 😊
being · 36-40, F
You're giving this Love. And you're going to give more of it. I believe in you too, a few oceans in between us.
Don't be greedy about people. You have had a lovely and rich life. With people whom you've touched and loved. And you're going to touch and be touched again, in greater depths, with more respect from loving hands and gestures.

You deserve it all and you're going to have it. Just Spirit says, wait a bit, rest a bit and take care of the things in front of you. Soon you'll be met with Roses.
@being I'm afraid to believe at this point. Just not today I guess. Thank you sweet friend for your words and encouragement 🫂
being · 36-40, F
@MarbleMarvel it's okay to not believe for a day....🫂🌊 Maybe a function of a friend is this, to be an anchor and hold the belief the days you can't.
I know your heart. I just know..
Take rest and things will take care of themselves. You just be the real you 💓 that's the most important
TigerLili · 46-50, FVIP
I’m trying to make friends here where I live near Savannah. It’s proven to be next to impossible. I so badly want friends and I do have friends but there back where I used to live and I’m not going back
@TigerLili it's just not as easy as it used to be. I wish you all the luck though. Savannah is gorgeous. You could kidnap your friends and make them live with you? Lol
Blondily · F
Your words touch my heart
This helps me to love myself
@Blondily thank you lovely 🖤 I see it. I know it in my heart. So I don't fear being alone. Settling never worked anyway 😌
Blondily · F
@MarbleMarvel You're welcome my dear. I wish you the best🤗
I'm happier knowing I'll die alone. I'll enjoy people well they're in my life. Not going to stress when I'm alone anymore though.

If that beach is near you I'd take a walk with you there
This is probably inappropriate for a heartfelt straight-from-the-soul post like this

But I think you're freakin' awesome.

There's so much to you and you've been through so much.
I genuinely hope you find what makes you complete.
@robingoodfellow thank you. I think you're freaking awesome too.

Is anything inappropriate anymore? Lol but seriously thank you. It's hurts but it's simultaneously a fantastic revelation that I'm also free in ways. I'll make the best use of it 🖤
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I think we all need more community.
@JimboSaturn We absolutely do. I grew up with a strong community, so it's really hard to feel ditched at this point in life when I finally could of contributed.
you just put that Green Day song in my head.. Are you ok?
@legalboxers lol I know the one. I'm good, thank you. Considering there's way worse ways to be, alone is okay with me.
Keeper · M
The beach is always good therapy
@Keeper the ocean is my only friend
@NinaTina I agree. I'll have to adapt so I can keep doing cool stuff. Thank you 🫂
NinaTina · 26-30, F
@MarbleMarvel you are welcome🌞

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