summersong · F
I rescued myself from myself
Made two amazing children
Created a life full of beauty
Made two amazing children
Created a life full of beauty

In my car accident 13 years ago, The result of the car looked like there was no way the driver could of lived through that, but the worst I had was whiplash and Adrenalin overload, and what saved me was not wearing a seatbelt.
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SW-User seatbelts are a scam

@RareObjects I didn’t see the impact coming but I felt it coming (weird) but my reaction was to move to the left of the drivers seat. Had the handbrake bar poking my arse but better than having the arm rest of the drivers door going through my guts.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
My kids, no doubt
Had my boys 💙

Made my beautiful baby
EmoRapid · 26-30, M
A few things the most one of all is moving back to my hometown
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Created art. IDK how. I'm not artistic at all.
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
Gone on Safari I think attended my sisters Wedding
GLITTER · 36-40, F
Made my garden into a nature reserve
JupiterDreams · 31-35
Visited another country
Ksmile14 · F
Help people smile. :) 🤗
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I disappeared!!

Like magick magick? Tried to contact my " guardian angel" which could ve been a demon
RareObjects · 41-45, M
@SW-User careful
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MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@SW-User Yeah, it was very much like that, I fear I might have actually died, and hit the furnace, hell, etc. It was all kinds of fucked up, really, and still is for me, though I've been and clean for several months now.
I try to wrap my head around what this picture drawn in blood means, did it come from my mind alone? Is this a lie spelled out by the drug itself and the evil that it comes from? Is this dark magic by my use of such drugs that is telling me the truth about my nature? Is this the consequence of, well, myself having been mated with a canine for years, and is this a spiritual depiction of us, in my system, made visible?
I'll admit that I had not much idea what I was doing, but I knew something was bound to happen with the blood letting, I had a sort of suspected something magical might happen. It did, and plenty more stuff in the forest that I haven't mentioned.
I can't pretend to understand it though. I'd called this a type of magic that I naively stumbled into, on a whim.
I try to wrap my head around what this picture drawn in blood means, did it come from my mind alone? Is this a lie spelled out by the drug itself and the evil that it comes from? Is this dark magic by my use of such drugs that is telling me the truth about my nature? Is this the consequence of, well, myself having been mated with a canine for years, and is this a spiritual depiction of us, in my system, made visible?
I'll admit that I had not much idea what I was doing, but I knew something was bound to happen with the blood letting, I had a sort of suspected something magical might happen. It did, and plenty more stuff in the forest that I haven't mentioned.
I can't pretend to understand it though. I'd called this a type of magic that I naively stumbled into, on a whim.
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@SW-User I see the outline shape, as an 8 or perhaps the infinity sign, but in the way it tapers off near the bottom does also make it look like and S, yes. It was moving, as it formed this final shape, it was moving, and the outline, within it's own surface tension, so too moving along that track that it formed, by the time I managed to snap the picture, it was nearly still, and formed that.

@MougyWolf that’s what the meth does, pulls on strings like a puppet, and yet Metallica’s, “Master of Puppets” is about Cocaine addiction, but Meth didn’t exist then well that we know of.
Make it a goal for yourself. Keep staying clean off that shit for at least a year and maybe if you think about getting high again, don’t go back to the see through flute, instead, take some hallucinogenic, lsd or even shrooms. I would say DMT but that’s not for the faint hearted, even just save that for the second year away from the shards, you may have a bad encounter on a trip, but take them as a learning and see through the demons of meth and keep yourself clear of it.
I went all out and had DMT instead of the milder trips while trying to get clean off coke, even a mushroom trip two years ago reminded me not to take life for granted and I was in a very great headspace then.
Make it a goal for yourself. Keep staying clean off that shit for at least a year and maybe if you think about getting high again, don’t go back to the see through flute, instead, take some hallucinogenic, lsd or even shrooms. I would say DMT but that’s not for the faint hearted, even just save that for the second year away from the shards, you may have a bad encounter on a trip, but take them as a learning and see through the demons of meth and keep yourself clear of it.
I went all out and had DMT instead of the milder trips while trying to get clean off coke, even a mushroom trip two years ago reminded me not to take life for granted and I was in a very great headspace then.

Another one, Had Aya 5 years ago and did it without guidance and let’s say I went to hell and back. Literally? Close enough.
PiecingBabyFaceTogether · 31-35, M
I lived till 27 when some idiot doctor said I won't pass 20.
I wish I talked back to him because he was actually wrong with how he spoke about my illness, he summed it all up in 2 sentences "they get into a wheelchair by age 11, and die by age 20" he was giving some medical students a tour in a place where I was doing physical therapy when I was 17. So freaking rude and too wrong because even Wikipedia doesn't say that. I was too shy to stop him. There's always an estimate and each case can be very different from the other.
I wish I talked back to him because he was actually wrong with how he spoke about my illness, he summed it all up in 2 sentences "they get into a wheelchair by age 11, and die by age 20" he was giving some medical students a tour in a place where I was doing physical therapy when I was 17. So freaking rude and too wrong because even Wikipedia doesn't say that. I was too shy to stop him. There's always an estimate and each case can be very different from the other.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Written a terrific stage play, a romantic comedy.
The title of the play is:
If I Told You That, I'd Have To Kill You
The title of the play is:
If I Told You That, I'd Have To Kill You
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