Northwest · M
But your meme IS about politics.
WintaTheAngle · 41-45, M
Northwest · M
@WintaTheAngle Only if you think Pedophilia is funny.
plinkplonk · F
That kid's parents were probably in DC on Jan. 6. The political unrest in this country is sadly nothing to giggle about. People are getting killed. I guess that's something that isn't translating across the pond?
ElwoodBlues · M
This one is equally "not about politics"

Ynotisay · M
Great parenting right there. A child getting her head polluted by fucked up adults. Sorry dude. Don't see the laugh in this kind of thing. Maybe it's just me. Different strokes.
ElwoodBlues · M
Back in 2020 there were some good ones saying "What's Orange and Rotten and gets Thrown Out in November"??

Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
I guess lols are dead and gone.
HeidiA · 41-45, F
Oh well. You tried.
I tried to put a post under the group “party” but the only selection choices were political parties. These humours fucks are taking over a everything.
I tried to put a post under the group “party” but the only selection choices were political parties. These humours fucks are taking over a everything.
bijouxbroussard · F
Not funny, sorry.