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JustAnotherPizzaLover · 22-25, M
I've had a female teacher tell me that I need to get a girlfriend 😂😂
JustAnotherPizzaLover · 22-25, M
@SW-User She said I need to relax and have some fun too, coz I was a pretty serious person in my younger teens :P She said it's healthy to have something to keep you busy aside from school, but little did she know I already had gaming and pizza 😁
@JustAnotherPizzaLover I know how you feel bro. Gaming is a time killer. But pizza is life🍕 but if you really wanted a gf, all you had to do was go outside and look around. You could ask a crush out for pizza?
JustAnotherPizzaLover · 22-25, M
@SW-User Haha its all good, soon after I got a girlfriend who loved pizza just as much as I did, but sadly she was a filthy casual that only played Minecraft 😂 So that didn't last more than about 8 months.. 😔 Well... 8 months and about another 10 months afterwards of we-know-it's-not-healthy-but-we're-lonely-and-can't-let-go beneficial friendship 😂 And lots of pizza in between so it was cool. Now its fine tho, I'm lonely and single but it's better this way I guess :P For the lonely part, there's always the amazing community on SW to make my day not suck :P

Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I once had a teacher use the "after my own heart" phrase, that was awkward
vader2112 · 46-50, M
I once had a teacher tell me that I should stop speaking my native language at home so that I can become a better English student. I just nodded and smiled. Bitch, I'm trilingial. 😒
@vader2112 Off course you would speak your native language at home. But she/he could just have told you to practice english. But what what is your native language?
vader2112 · 46-50, M
@SW-User Of course. Pretty arrogant and disrespectful of her to even go there. My English is fine. Better than most. I was born in the US. SMH

My native language (until age 3) is Armenian.
xRedx · M
My basketball coach in high school telling us to not be afraid to use our butts while boxing out. It's very true but it sounded funny lol
@xRedx Lol. Well the butt can be effective sometimes
romell · 51-55, M
probably the guy was just being good??why do u take it he was eyeing you..any history of it?
@romell No I didn't get the feeling he was "eyeing me" he probably just felt like giving a compliment. It was strange is all
Indulge · 36-40, F
yes my biology teacher asked me if he could take me out for my birthday....🙂
The weirdest thing is when he was flirting with me. :/
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@SW-User Yeah
To gather my things and take the day off .. 😁.

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