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Sorry, we don't tip!

MellyMel22 · F
Where I bartended last, there was a large group of Europeans in the area for work(together). They came only the nights I worked and not only did they tip, but they tipped very well and were very pleasant to be around.
Benjr134 · M
That’s because they actually pay a living wage to servers in Europe. It is not normal for them at all. They also wouldn’t expect you to tip while in Europe.

The funny part of this is when they don’t give a gratuity that they’re the bad guys rather than the restaurant that doesn’t pay a living wage and the government that doesn’t require it.
@Benjr134 My experience was different, but I paid in Italian lire, Austrian schillings, drachmes, guilders, forints, Yugoslav dinars...
Benjr134 · M
@SomeMichGuy to be fair it’s such an ingrained part of American culture that if they figure you’re a tourist they probably encourage more than they do with people actually living there.
@Benjr134 I don't think tips are for normal service. And the idea of forever upping the percentage is crazy.
Look at the size of the suggested tips!
IHateViolence · 36-40, M
@SomeMichGuy Hidden tax! What's the point of looking at the prices in the menu, if I'm going to pay 25% more? lol
@IHateViolence Yes!

New Zealand, here I come.
I think it her fault for basing her livelihood on other people's gratitude. Why would she think that is a good idea? Naive.
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MellyMel22 · F
@SandWitch I’m in the US, but I hate it. I get waitstaff and bartenders(but not the percentages asked for), but the expectations of tips with terrible service is disturbing.

I haven’t had that happen at a coffee place where they tried to keep the change and it’s even worse that that guy asked if you wanted his tip back when it wasn’t even a tip. Rude.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Thanks for replying to my posts! It's nice to know when people from other parts of the world experience the same thing I do, though thousands of miles apart!
MellyMel22 · F
@SandWitch I agree!

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