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Dear walking facebook posters

Blabbering about how you shouldn't be dependent on your partner in a relationship, and all sort of virtual wisdom.

How your happiness shouldn't be related to a person. Oh really?

Shut it.

There is nothing wrong in being dependent on the right person as you both grow stronger, healthier and better.

And you can't actually know whether or not a relationship is healthy from single liners here.

So what if they can't live without their guy? You can't live without the internet and your 50 cents hair dye but I don't see ya letting go of either. You're comfortable in things . They are comfortable in people..

We are all dependent somehow. We can all shame each other for what makes us happy being temporary. It would never end.
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I am inclined to agree.
The way i see it, being dependent on a partner is not necessarily bad, if the dependance enhances the individual's ability to cope and to perform daily.
Having dependency can mean something as simple as moral support for example.
Gunning down moral support and saying one should be totally independent of it, is not logical.

So i do agree with you, 100%
This is why I like you. You can think outside the box.
Miram · 31-35, F
@SinlessOnslaught I am not really thinking outside the box. I am irritated by people.
@Miram You're irritated because people are willfully stupid and don't think outside the box.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
🙄 Ur just jealous cuz I have 50 cent hair dye pubes.. 🙄💅
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@Miram 👀🥤 Not that I know of but....... I've seen Flavored condoms, Chocolate underwear, e-girl bathwater, and onlyfans jar farts being sold online so.......... 🤷‍♀️ I'd be kinda surprised if that was the one thing people couldn't buy with their money.............

👀🥤 Also I'm very needy tonight... So if you would pretend that we could talk on the phone but then say "I really want to but I have mime training all this week........" To make me feel better.. 👀 That would be nice...... Unless you really wanna talk then I would be super happy and whats that? Why are you moving your hands at me instead of just saying what you want to say... Oh.. 😒☕ Ha, ha.. I get it.. 😒☕ You bastard..
Miram · 31-35, F
@AuRevoir I am honestly very hormonal, antisocial and not good for chat. It is not an excuse.

We can talk though when it passes except that I think you deleted your tele? I can send you my whatapp
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@Miram Haha I constantly delete and readd things.. I think the problem with tele though wasn't deleting it, it was that it was on my old phone number.. So since I have a new number it doesn't reconnect me to all my friends when I redownload it.. So it's kinda like I have to make an entire new one...

You can pick either one.. Tele or whatsapp is fine with me... I'll download it the day you tell me you're ready to chat.........
bookerdana · M
I am definitely not hooked on 50 cent hair dye😀
Ok, but like, are we dating or not? 🤨 I need to know whether to wash my pants 🤔
Miram · 31-35, F
@SW-User I will let your Sim meet mine on the Sims
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@Miram would you do him
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I agree with you. I don’t think there is any shame being dependent on the person you love.

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