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I Have A Story To Tell But Im Embarassed

I'm a pot smoker, I use smoking pot to escape from my non existant problems and minor inconveniences. I tell people it's not addictive and it's same but at the same time I don't know how I'd be able to live without it. I wish the government would just legalise it because it's a heaven sent drug and it not being legal is making me want it more. I smoke in a pot circle and we talk about our problems and why we have to resort to smoking pot instead of facing them on our own. I tell people it's safe even though it blurrs the line between reality and a dream like euphoria. Also, thc may cause brain permenant brain damage but who cares since I'm getting high.Not enough people know how beneficial pot is so it's my obligation to tell everyone on the planet about my revolutionary it is. Call me the chrisitan version of missionaries for stoners. I spend whatever money I can on weed and detatch myself from others when Im using it. I also think it's very trendy and no one wants to be left off the band wagon so light it up. I should probably go to rehab after writing this but I'm not going to since self medicating is the way to go and Im willing to live this way for the rest of my life and use it after every unpleasant experience I encounter.
OpalWolf · 26-30, F
It's going to sound lame ,but no kidding anytime I feel bad I take a brush or a pen and bam I make art. Try to paint something it dosent even have to have structure lol
I made this when I was mad one day , so see Like just pick up a brush and throw paint down
OpalWolf · 26-30, F
I self medicate with art work and I like "get " bored a lot , not really I just csnt stand feeling sad or anything like that it bugs me so I find something to occupy myself with . It's a good thing mostly I mean I make art because of it lol ,but yeah I get what you mean and I know why you do . I was about to ,but I can't for reasons so I turned to the arts and sciences .
hami1091 · 41-45, F
I have never smoked pot. 😐

Perhaps you should seek treatment if you think you are using it to hide from your problems, apparently it has became a band-aid and it is time to rip it off.
Most lame story I've ever read.🤓 No matter how you disclose your story, sorry we cannot help you there. Change comes from within.😨

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