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I Remember Physical Education In Vest And Pants [I Hated Physical Education Class]

I'm not from the UK, so I never had to go the that. However, when I was in 4th grade, there was this girl whose skirt kept falling down during PE, thus revealing her bright green panties. I remember we were doing jumping jacks, and her skirt kept falling down about every 5 jumps (and we did the jumping jacks for a good few minutes). It was hilarious.

Lol. On another note:

Reading the stories in this group for the first time had me stunned. Up until now, I've never even heard of having kids do PE in their underwear. Where I'm from (America), parents would riot and it would be all over the news if a school made kids do PE in their underwear.
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SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
It was common in the UK in up until the early 1990s for children who were too young to dress themselves or older children who forgot their PE things. It definitely would not be acceptable now.
GkB01 · 51-55, M
You won't have done PE in bare feet either then, presumably?
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@Rikudou Can you remember if you enjoyed it.
Rikudou · 26-30, M
@GkB01 I probably did. I've always loved PE in general as a kid, and I've also never had any particular problem with being barefoot so long as I am comfortable. I'm not necessarily one of those people who is always barefoot wherever they go, but I don't mind it from time to time.
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@Rikudou Barefoot PE is extremely common in UK schools, many children get the chance to do it either because of the schools rules or as I did, by personal choice.
That happened to me lol. I forgot my kit (we didn't have to do it in underwear thank god) but I was given shorts to big for me and they fell down like 10 times which made everyone laugh when they saw my grey briefs I was about 7
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@SW-User Did you have to do PE in bare feet if you forgot footwear?
It doesn't happen anymore for that very reason that parents would riot
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@Kellyfish101 Did you do PE like that?
@GkB01 yes but it was getting phased out during my time so didn't happen as much
GkB01 · 51-55, M
@Kellyfish101 PE in bare feet was very common when I was at school, was it yours?

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