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I Remember Physical Education In Vest And Pants [I Hated Physical Education Class]

Definitely more than once too, usually every other lesson there would be someone unfortunate enough to be compelled to run around in pants, vest and bare feet. Normally though it was a good incentive to remember your PE kit!
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QuietSophie · 26-30, F
You'd think the shame of it would, but when you're a girl in a hurry it is amazing the number of times you manage to leave your PE bag on the kitchen table 😒
Adec757 · 51-55, M
@QuietSophie was bare feet your choice or school rules?
Adec757 · 51-55, M
@QuietSophie sane where I was, boys got to choose.
RebeccaG · 51-55, F
@Ross19 agreed, when it was choice I always opted for bare feet anyway!
GentleLucille · 26-30, F
It happened quite regularly in our school as well. I belonged to an after school gymnastics club and one day I forgot my T-shirt and shorts. I had the option of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for my sister to collect me, or taking part in my knickers. I chose the latter and then got teased all the way back home by my big sister 😡
GkB01 · 51-55, M
I don't specifically remember that too often Ross, possibly when I was really young. I do remember rather a lot of PE in 'skins', just shorts and bare feet and no tops. It meant there was very little excuse for forgotten kit if all that may have been required was a pair of shorts.
Hayleywg · 51-55, F
Bare feet too for indoor p e!
RebeccaG · 51-55, F
@QuietSophie are you from the UK?
QuietSophie · 26-30, F
RebeccaG · 51-55, F
@QuietSophie I’m in Surrey.
Adec757 · 51-55, M
Assuming it's not a contact sport indoors, should bare feet feet be compulsory or choice?
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I was a boarder, so couldn't really forget my kit (although I brought the wrong items to the wrong class countless times), but the day girls quite often did lessons in their underwear or part of their normal uniform.

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