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New course BSL

I had my first session at college this morning....an introduction to British sign language. It went well. Only 4 of us in the group, but seems there should have been 10!
It was quite relaxed but it took a lot of concentration to remember stuff!!!
Looking forward to next week!
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OldBrit · 61-69, M
I keep meaning to learn it. But feels like finally giving in. But given I'm profoundly deaf in one ear I really should.
SteveTomms · 56-60, M
All the very best and I take my hat off to you! x
4meAndyou · F
Do you ever teach special education classes? That might come in handy in teaching deaf children!
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@4meAndyou more and more children in main stream schools with alsorts of extra needs. Its handy with non verbal kids, selective mutes, kids with Downs Syndrome...so its handy to have.....anything that might help is worth a shot!
4meAndyou · F
@RubySoo You are great to put in that extra effort to be a REALLY good teacher!
powernap · 56-60, M
Wishing you best of luck in your new endeavor.

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