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Wait. Does it? I want to click it to find out. Is it like the most googled question that starts out 'does a hot bath'

Was going to ask does it dry out your skin. But i want to know now if it can burn calories 🤔
deadgerbil · 22-25
Does a hot bath help with erectile dysfunction, asking for a friend
deadgerbil · 22-25
@Bexsy what are you trying to say
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
@deadgerbil Citric acid is one of the main natural components of erectile medication. Tell your guy to eat as much citrus as possible and lay off sugar, alcohol and fatty fried foods, anything processed too.
CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
Mine is “erase shame” 😔
Do it! Click it and let us know if burns calories!
@NerdyPotato whoah!
@Bexsy nice! I don't care that it takes twice as long as a walk. It's much better, so I want to do it for longer anyway.
The last one ! 😂

"Geez my skin is burning 🤔- i think ill go sit in a hot bath" 😩
@OogieBoogie I cooked. Now I'll boil 🥵
@Bexsy how to cook boiled ....crab

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