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theprofessor · 22-25, M
Whole universe exist in every human mind so both are same

lovelyguy143334 · 31-35, M
Universe is what made by God
And they say god is everywhere,so yes universe and god is same
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@lovelyguy143334 ok mate, just go and lie down and try not to think.
lovelyguy143334 · 31-35, M
@SpudMuffin you too better
And expecting you to come up with better knowledge next time
And here's suggestions for you
If you don't know about something, don't try to over reacting
Gain some knowledge then only come to talk about
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@lovelyguy143334 seriously, you show us two identical squiggles and you say one of them is god and the other is the universe, therefore god is the universe? There's no logic in your thinking, no knowledge, no science, no facts.
scorpio611 · 41-45, M
Out of syllabus. Looks like you are studying too much. You need a break.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
No... the universe is real
Sharon · F
@newjaninev2 The universe is too complex to have into being without an even more complex creator to create it. No one has yet been able to explain how that more complex creator came into being without a yet more complex creator to create it. 🤔
@Sharon Very nice infinite regress!!

Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Pretty much
4meAndyou · F
"In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth."

"And God called the firmament Heaven"

"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars, also."

"And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning of the sixth day were finished."

"Thus the heaven and the earth were finished, and all the host of them".

In other words, God was separate from his creations. And the Universe, or the stars, is part of the firmament and Heaven.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
There is no god whereas there is a universe. So no,they aren't the same thing.
Don’t know. The answer is above my pay grade
walabby · 61-69, M
The God of the Bible is a human invention.

That doesn't preclude the possibility of a seemingly supernatural origin of all things..
Tukudo · 41-45, M
It is called oneness! When I experience then I can answer more about it.😀 until just intellectual answers.
You can give them both the same name.

But if you pray to "the universe," will it answer?
Does "the universe" provide an afterlife?
Does "the universe" compel a moral order?

You can give them both the same name, but there is no reason to expect "the universe" to have the same attributes as various holy books ascribe to various gods.
Sharon · F
But if you pray to "the universe," will it answer?
No, neither does "God".

Does "the universe" provide an afterlife?
Depends what you mean by "afterlife". Existence continues after death but there no reason to believe it's due to "God".

Does "the universe" compel a moral order?
Yes, it sets some very strict rules that we can't break. It's easy to break the rules supposedly set by "God".
Yes, it sets some very strict rules that we can't break.
I majored in physics so I'm familiar with some of those rules. But I wouldn't describe them as a "moral order."
Sharon · F
@ElwoodBlues They're more moral than those supposedly given by "God".
cerealguy · 26-30, M

God is the Creator of the universe

The universe is the physical world we are contained in
The universe you can see and know its there. God is another thing
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
A mass is made of energy. We are all just ripples in a sea of energy. The field controling it is interested in life but does not seem to interfere with it. Whether it does so in series or all together is up to it.
@ABCDEF7 does he mean god by bramhan
@SW-User Yes, In Advaita philosophy brahman is the ultimate/universal consciousness, which is no other than you yourself. The word "Advaita" means "no two" or non-dual. This means you and the god are not two different things. It eliminates the difference/veil between your consciousness and the supreme/ultimate consciousness.

"What is God" by Swami Sarvapriyananda
God created the universe
Sharon · F
Man created god.
@Sharon yes
@Sharon There are some deep puzzles about God=Nature. Turtles all the way down seems a reasonable simplification of them. Or we might ask "What was around and where was it just "before" the big bang?
Renaci · 36-40
That would be pantheism. Which is a far better outlook that the mainstream beliefs.

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