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Does anyone here want to learn Esperanto or already speak it and want a practice buddy?

If anyone’s wanting to learn I will totally tutor you for free (def willing to do video chats if you are), and if you already speak it but wanna practice I’m totally down to practice with you. Or and if anyone here is fluent or simply speaks it better than I do, please help me practice!!

Honestly I’m so obsessed with Esperanto, I want to become fluent, like I know all the grammar rules obviously and all that’s holding me back is learning vocabulary for every possible situation, I def know it well enough to teach it so someone else at a lower level than me (as in I might have to use a dictionary for a word here and there but I won’t lead you astray grammar wise and can tell when a translation is screwed up) and honestly helping others learn also helps me reinforce what I already know.

This is a little embarrassing but I have this ongoing fantasy of myself teaching a small class of adults Esperanto, at like a community center or (much more pie in the sky) at a college or something (like that’ll ever happen lol). It’s gotten to the point where I have like a day 1 curriculum mapped out in my head, down to images of what my power point will look like and optional homework assignments I will give people. Like you don’t even understand how much Esperanto is part of my life right now. So if you’re at all interested in learning honestly giving me the opportunity to tutor you (or even just talk about it with you) would be a huge gift to ME.

So yeah, and just to ask, how much do you guys know about Esperanto, if anything, what’s your opinion on it if you have one, or just wanna say something about it, please do.

Hey if you want a healthy argument you can try and convince me why another auxlang is better ;)
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Why not choose a language that has a practical outcome for you and your desired students?
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@MarkPaul oh my god. You actually just said the fucking BIBLE??? Frankly I’m disappointed in you.

Also, stop acting like things have to be hard to have meaning. Something being easy literally makes it more widely accessible. Also I said it was easy, that doesn’t mean it requires ZERO effort. You still gotta put in the time. It being easy just means you’ll learn it faster with less frustration, and less need for personal tutoring.

2 million people is not a “little club.”

Also, I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m on some fucking Unitarian mission, but how fucking ridiculous of you to suggest that instead of promoting a a fun, easy to learn, politically and religiously neutral language, I should evangelize Christianity? You’ve got to be kidding me
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Zeuro I'm giving you practical examples... you know... to help you. I'm not telling you what to do, just giving you some suggestions. So, calm down.

People who learn how to speak in Klingon put in effort too, but it's still a ridiculous waste of time. I just believe time should be spent on meaningful things. Esperanto is not going to lead to anything meaningful no matter how much you cling to the idea of a universal language. And 2 million people (if it really is that high... other reliable estimates suggest that is wishful thinking and the real number of intentional users is 100,000... scattered over the world is not that significant. I mean, you can't accomplish much and certainly not the goal of universality with only a portion of the population participating. And the reason why only a portion is participating is because it doesn't make sense. So, it's easy. So, you can learn it fast. So, you eliminate frustration. So, you don't need personal tutoring (although you were offering tutoring so that kind of puts you entire premise into question). None of these attributes make learning it worthwhile. I'm beginning to suspect you only like it because it makes you feel like you are a cut above. It's something you know that the majority of the population doesn't.

Math is universal. Science leads to things that are useful. Engineering builds things. A fantasy language does none of those things and that is why I cannot support it. I think you should find another cause to yell about.
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MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
it's the first time i hear about it, but seeing you this excited about a language that barely anyone knows is so cute 😂
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MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays i mean I know what it is, I use it sometimes, but I'm low key a chef. Your average swede has never seen a nutmeg nut
@MartinTheFirst I guess you would know. 🤣🤣🤣
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Why bother trying to revive it?
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Zeuro Are still on this? Grow up and get a life.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@Nitedoc you should tell that to yourself lmao, literally mad over nothing
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
@Zeuro LOL!!!🤣
ididntknow · 51-55, M
No nay never
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