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I need assistance in a deep and profound subject

That has to do with learning. I am addicted to learning, I indulge in written information as much as I would with food or drugs even in the past. Any kind of information basically, consuming videos, articles and so on. I assume I am not the only one in this era! Most probably I am a typical example. I love it and I just can't get enough.
So I am seriously considering whether should I go on and indulge in this way of getting information or take a turn, as I've done few times in the past already, and stop all learning and only use my senses and dialogue with others. ?
Coppercoil · M
I am a lot like this.. i go down so many rabbit holes.. especially on YouTube. Keep going.. its a really good thing i think!
Everyone learns in a different way and everyone consumes information in a different way.
It's not a tailor made answer for one size fits all.
I'd do what feels good to me, until it feels good to me and my own inner guidance will lead me to what I need to do.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Is your 'addiction' to learning causing harm to yiurself or others? If not, the answer is simple, continue as you are. You have a rare gift and a blessing.
Jlhzfromep · M
I have been the same way all my life. Some information is useless to me and some comes in handy. It keeps your mind sharp.

Happy learning
Rokasu · 36-40, M
I'm pretty obsessed with learning myself but I generally keep it limited to a few hours a week.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
Hmm interesting 🤔 not sure yet. I’ll have to roll it around in my head and get back to you.
emmasfriend · 46-50, F
Experiment by taking up a hobby so that you have less time ?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
The important question is what would you replace it with if you stopped?
Bang5luts · M
I am as well, just not the written firm. I watch and repeat what I've seen, after doing something 3 times that I've seen done once, I usually have it down without forgetting and usually without mistakes.
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