Talk about or share some place that is very close to your heart
PLEASE READ. This is The Walkway School (A home for the underprivileged). You can see more on instagram or facebook @thewalkwayschool. I joined this organization at the end of last October as a teacher volunteer and still counting ♥️ but now i feel attatched to the kids and the work place itself and now i do other outside operations and fund raise for the organization. Our main theme is to build schools in the remote areas of Pakistan where education is almost non existent. Currently we have around 6 facilities.
This work place has given me so much to realise and see life through different perspectives. I have grown better as an individual. I know new and useful people. It lets me do something for the society, my country and for the positivity of the world. I have learned so much books wise too and revised a lot of stuff too. I can interact better with kids now as compared to before. As someone with lack of confidence, ive got better in that sense too and now i feel quite easy to keep my thoughts and opinions on the table.
Sometimes the kids be doing or saying silly stuff is also what i enjoy. Then some of us colleagues sitting in office after the work is done and chatting and joking or discussing for school is also something i like. Sometimes we be having lunch or snacks too. It never feels like that we are not getting paid(bec its non profitable) bec other than money we get so much out of the experience that we just wanna stick to our purpose. Just incase anyone wants to participate for this bigger cause, go for the link and read it and contribute if you want to and share the word to help us achieve our milestones and goals for the better future of the kids. TIA similar worlds users♥️