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I've been going to class. I can't quite believe I'm there.

Homework is the reason I made myself scarce around here all of a sudden. I've actually been doing the work, it's unlike me. I gotta go check the due date on my writing project. OK that's good, January 21st. It means I can utilize my 3 day weekened to catch up on everythng else. I've more than done my Japanese homework, I utilized Lentil to Do Kana practice. I'm going to keep at that now over the days to come simply because I'm a bit scared in this lcass to fall behind on this practice because althoguh she's gone over the chart I honestly learn best when it's interactive So catching up on this stuff.

To be honest, The reason I started going to school is so multifaceted. I'm a Night owl by nature. But this is in many respects shitty in this city.

Like it's the kinda town where there are coffee shops that have great coffee but they close down after 3pm so no they can't host you for even temporary relief for your dungeons and dragons session.

It really does feel like some comedians have said, a Town which never knew its father was raised by a single mother but she's a stripper.

But in the K12 system the idea that I would be at home doing classwork was frankly insulting. But I realize now Colllege does compact courses, we're only there 3 months, so, if you aren't doing the Assignments you're falling WAY behind. Like Yeah, I'm actually getting something out of mine for once. And that's never happened.

I was one of only 2 students that submitted work on time, but to be fair it's because I'm technically inclined that I was able to get things in, Only I'm shitty at working a camera so I'm thinking of taking some Professional Photography courses at the college some time they aren't credited but, That shit comes in handy too much.

To be honest the way I work this means it will all be completed for the week by Saturday night, if not Friday simply because I have a 45 minute meeting with Disability sevices over zoom. In the weeks to come I'll be done by Friday night.

Portlandia only stretched the truth, it''s fairly accurate. That's what makes it great comedy, it's so close to the way things really are that you'd only have to take how they are just a little further -and it'd be funny.

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