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Sagiri26-30, F
Aproductofboredom26-30, F
Definatly best answer so far!!
Sagiri26-30, F
@Aproductofboredom: yehey

LedRobster61-69, M
Start working on a plan for "after college"--job? internship? fellowship? Where do you want to live? College is a lifestyle, but it is also an alternate reality. It is not the "real world," so you should start planning your transition. That's scary for some and why some stay in college for years and years.
HoraceGreenley56-60, M
I guess that depends on whether you are motivated and making the grades or if you are just getting by with no plan other than to exist.
Invisible26-30, M
Make sure that you always have your life jacket on
Aproductofboredom26-30, F
I don't drink lol
Your screwed. It was nice talking to you...

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