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Do you know what your IQ is?

Do you believe intelligence can be measured?
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seaglass · F
Yes, and yes it can be approximated, however... a person's IQ is not static. The ability to reason can be improved or diminished at various times, for various reasons, over one's lifetime.
RedBaron · M
The ability to reason…for various reasons…

I see what you did there. 🤣
seaglass · F
@RedBaron Oh, you mean using the word 'reason' as a verb and then a noun, for various reasons, in order to form a reasonably reasonable comment? I guess I did do that 😏
RedBaron · M
@seaglass For some reason, reasonable or otherwise. 🤷‍♂
Around 95 Out of 100% IQ.🧐
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I don't think standard IQ tests are a great measurement of intelligence. I think it's more nuanced and complicated than that. I think maybe you can measure or test for certain traits of intelligence, but I don't think you will necessarily get a full picture of a person's intelligence through an IQ score.

From my exposure to the mainstream medical and psychological sciences at this point, I have come away with so many doubts that I don't put much stock their paradigm anymore.
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I believe humans like to measure things.
It can be gauged approximately...
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Yes, from tests when I was younger. Interestingly I once took a fairly lengthy do-it-yourself test online just for grins and got a surprisingly similar result.

I think IQ tests measure only one type of intelligence. They certainly don’t address emotional intelligence of any kind.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I know pretty much what it was when I was tested back around seventh grade. How reliable a test is it? From what I've read it was never meant to be taken as an indicator of adult intelligence, so I'm unsure. I guess it's nice to know that at 10 I almost made the "genius" level. LOL
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I’ve never been tested… I’m sure I would most likely fall in “average range”.

That being said, there are different types of intelligence, and I’m not sure all or any can truly be measured by a test. But what do I know?… Haha… probably not enough to achieve a “high score” 🥲
Wireman · 31-35, M
I think I have lost mine.
Blondily · F
Not in math but intelligent in other areas which most ppl are also. I know about a lot of things that some ppl don't know about and visa versa. Being measured in intelligence is being labeled which I don't approve of.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
No by the obvious rationale that who decides the definition of intelligence ?

What standards are this group holding you to ?

How do you set a definitive question ?
Intelligence can definitely be measured, but no one really knows what that measurement means.
exchrist · 31-35
163 there are tests but idk if iq is the most accurate in terms of learned behavior\experience.
I don't think it can truly be measured
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
Not really but also yes 🤣
I don’t have one
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robertsnj · 56-60, M
🫤 nope never took one / i bet i am average ish . i work with a lot of people smarter than me --have to ask them a lot of questions. wonder if they took an IQ test?

if you put me in front of a car engine and said "help fix this" i would be an idiot for the record
I was tested at the beginning of third grade in september 1978, along with the rest of my class in the district, I scored 148 at almost eight and a half years of age, at a time when IQ was still considered important.
@thisgenericnamehere I hated school by that time.
thisgenericnamehere · 36-40, M
@NativePortlander1970 Yes. Me too, took me a decade to get back to it. I eventually did.

Thank you for sharing.
@thisgenericnamehere You're so very welcome.

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