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Have you ever imagined/planned your funeral? What's it like?

Pink coffin. Silver and gold embellishments. Sleeping like Snow White.
Silver heart necklace
Pastel color flowers
Light blue green curtains
White carpet
Soft mellow calming classical music in the background

3 days max of mourning

A beautiful send off after having lived a good full life :)
No regrets or resentments or hidden and hurried anger

Heading to the after life like I knew a new adventure is about to happen
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
I don’t want one. No ceremony, no gathering. I’ve asked to be cremated and to have my ashes scattered, along with my dad’s, in a mountain forest somewhere. My dad was my best friend. For much of my life, growing up it was just he and I. We loved the open spaces, nature…the sun, the wind, the songs of birds. In death and in that place maybe we would find the peace and restlessness that eluded us in this life, together.
I'm going to walk into the wilderness and let animals eat me
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Considering leaving my body to medical science.
At least my passing might be useful that way.

No plans for a funeral.
Seems a lot of unnecessary expense and effort.
snofan · M
I'm not a "lots of friends" person and I doubt that there would be many attend, so I don't want one.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Yes. Constant post-rock playing and like 3 people at a graveyard I didn't choose. 3 People I don't want there.
Animalvan · 56-60, M
Going to give my friend my phone to call them all and thank them for coming to my funeral
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
No, I don't think about my death or what happens after.
I figure I won't be around for it
Thrown in a trash.
being · 36-40, F
Common one..
No, but I thought of setting a POD beneficiary

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