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Was this Harassment?

A friend of mine mentioned to me that the issues I faced with a professor during my senior year of college was harassment and that I should file a case against her. I just wanna be sure I'm not blowing something up to be more than it is.

A an overview. I gave a professor a letter I had detailing my disability. Since I gave her the letter she began treating me as if I am slow or mentally challenged because I'm deaf.

she followed me into the restroom while I was vomiting to scold me on an essay I wrote. She pulled me out of other classes to try to convince me to drop my major several times. She even followed me to my bus to go home to ask me about changing my major and taking lower level classes. She followed me through the halls and stairwells.

Once my mother called me during class because I had an issue with the university stealing funds from my scholarships and grants. and I almost was evicted from my apartment due to the missing funds. I told my professor "I'm sorry this is very important" and I stepped outside she followed me immediately and told me to come back. I stepped into an empty classroom and she followed me there. Asking me if I was coming back.

Several times she's seen me talking to a student in the hall and she stood in the middle of our us or she tap me on my back to get my attention after I've told her not to touch me.

She's pulled my bag with me wearing it. After spending time during class making jokes about me that no one found funny.

She disrupted a final I had with another professor not once but three times. The other professor let her do it and then asked me to proctor an exam for her to "get back on her good side".

She withheld grades from classes and refused to give them so I got no credit for classes I had taken with her. She misplaced my work and called me a liar in front of my peers saying I never turn my work in.

I was having dizzy spells(due to a neuro condition which she knew about) and I collapsed so I missed her class. When she saw me she asked me "will you be operational next time?." And gave me a lecture about missing class.

To make it worse the dean is her friend and he allowed her to do this to me. This is not all that she's done either. She did not treat me this bad until she found out I was a student with a disability. I know all this is bad but I don't know if a lawyer would see this as harassment and did discrimination and make a case.
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I'm quite sure that any lawyer would love to undertake this as a case for civil prosecution!
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@EugenieLaBorgia You think so? I was told once I had a case but the attorney himself did not want to pursue it. Almost like he was scared of the university.
@Nine9 I think if any professor did that then he or she had better be prepared for a sound thrashing in the car park!
NativeOregonian · 51-55
That is not normal with your prof and the misappropriated scholarship funds, definitely speak with a lawyer, they would know the exact laws being broken, and make sure you bring solid documentation with you to show any lawyer you speak with.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@Nine9 I would talk with the ACLU first then bring it to the attention of the press that you are pursuing a lawsuit, that will get the community on your side real fast when your story is reported.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@NativeOregonian Thanks I'll look into the ACLU so far I've only been getting people interested in the financial issues and everyone keeps looking over the discrimination issue.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@Nine9 You're so very welcome 🤗
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
just sell it to the media, they can succeed where authorities have friends in high places
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand You may be right.
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
Assuming your description is accurate, I do believe you have a legitimate harassment and/or discrimination case. Perhaps your school counselor could help you, and this teacher, come to an understanding without involving the courts? Of course, if that counselor is beholden to your teachers' friend (the dean), this might not be feasible, and legal counsel would be necessary. Best wishes.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@VeronicaPrincess Thank you!
1pebbles · 56-60, F
Definitely harassment! Complain to her department head, complain to the Vice President, go up the chain of command! That is discrimination!
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@1pebbles I went to three different deans, the provost who sent me back to the dean and the VP wouldn't see me and neither would the president.
I think you have a good case, my son is deaf and has other challenges, a teacher was caught "rough handling" him (what they called it) I sued and won the case... just cause you have a disability doesn't give anyone the right to mistreat you in anyway... I hope you take action against her... best wishes
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@Somewhereovertherainbow Thank you. Best of luck to your son and his future endeavors!
@Nine9 🤗 thank you.... I wish the same for you...
xixgun · M
Definite harassment. You can proceed, and definitely have a case, but it's going to be long and hard and dirty. You must prepare yourself for that because they will without a doubt try and smear you as some type of whining miscreant trying to "ride your disability".

I would speak to not only the dean, but the board (school board/board of educators/ dean of colleges). Make sure that you follow the "chain of command" and put absolutely everything in writing. When communicating with them, ALWAYS send a certified letter so that you know WHO signed for the letter (so when they claim to have no received it you can say, "Excuse me, but...").

Document the incidents exactly as you've done here, have your mother write up a testimonial letter citing the incidents that she was witness to (and anyone else that may have seen such activity). Every witness you have is testimony, and evidence.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@xixgun Thank you so much. The only issue is even though she's gone into my classes in front of my peers, they won't step up. I've asked and asked and they do not want to get involved.
trackman11 · 61-69, M
If you are seeing this clearly, you were definitely harassed. I can’t imagine an attorney being afraid of a university, but I would ask more than one attorney if necessary and if they don’t wish to pursue, listen to their reasons with an open mind in case you are missing something.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@trackman11 That makes sense. I met one attorney who said he helped a student with an issue with the same school but at the last minute for me he passed me off to another attorney and that attorney never spoke to me. When I asked why he passed me over he claimed to be leaving the firm. I found out later that he never left.
It's definitely harassment.
Isn't there some higher committee where you study that you can complain to ?
@Nine9 I think it definitely can be counted as Authority abuse.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@BridgeOvertroubledWaters Yes only to students with documented disabilities though and I asked them to speak up with me and they all backed out.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@Nine9 Talk to someone at your local ACLU office, they might be able to help you start a class action lawsuit, or find a lawyer that will. You would be surprised how fast the others would change their minds and want to join in.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
Your professor's behavior is not just unusual, it's downright bizarre. I've either attended school or worked in academia for the past four decades, and I have never heard of a professor behaving in this manner toward a student. You would be well within your rights to file an official complaint or grievance with your school.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Nine9 Any institution worth attending must have some sort of complaint and grievance procedure — as in, it's a legal requirement. (Assuming that you're going to school in the US; I suppose that's not necessarily the case.) This will likely be through Human Resources or whatever they call it in your school. It doesn't go through the dean of the school, or if it does, then there's something broken in that system.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@DunningKruger 100% the way this university does it is that students must file a grievance with the head if their department which is our dean so I went to the provost who is over the dean because my dean is corrupt and part of the problem. My provost sent me back to my dean. So I went to another dean instead for advice. Once I did that my this professor caused a scene in my final. I was called into my advisor. I detailed the issue to him he asked me if I "rubbed her the wrong way" his exact words. At this point I snapped and he told me to get back to the dean the second dean that was her friend. The staff really protects their own.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
@Nine9 They're idiots. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Speaking of which....
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I don’t know if all that adds up to harassment but it is obsession. And a very strange obsession.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@StevetheSleeve Thank you! I just didn't understand it. She even said she was "impressed" by my disability letter. And I feel like she hoped she could intimidate me.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Nine9 She may think she’s acting out of good intentions. But she just sucks at it. Lol.
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Get the lawyer, definitely is harassment
Nobody has the right to treat you that way. You definitely need to stand up to her.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Yes, and you should complain.
in10RjFox · M
Have you completed your degree or still undergoing.. ?

It is discrimination and harassment .. and how are your grades ?
in10RjFox · M
@Nine9 that's good.. now is the time to engage a lawyer or private detective .. if you can't afford one .. then start written correspondence with them .. Send registered letters with acknowledgment due .. and get them to reply officially ..

They need to explain why your degree is being withheld .. after which you should go with a camera to record her behaviour when you appear in front of her .. its very important to capture her choice of words and her gestures towards you..

You should start becoming a nuisance to both the dean and her .. like call them often and send as many letters to annoy them as much ..

But if you can engage a lawyer .. set a trap for them both ..
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox That's brillant! I've been recording and keeping emails. But you're right I need to go a step further. Proof is everything especially since other students won't step up.
in10RjFox · M
@Nine9 emails are great .. just compile and print them as a single document.. a lot of things can be studied from emails .. tneir attitude , responsibility , willingness, cooperation etc. Which a lawyer can chew on ..
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
My word. Pulling on the bag while you were wearing was probably assault(legally). She needs a kick in the ass.
Nine9 · 26-30, F
@uncalled4 You don't know how bad I wanted to. Had I slipped she could've killed me, unfortunately that's how sensitive my neuro condition is.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@Nine9 sorry to hear that. She sounds like someone who should be made to hurt the way she hurt you.

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