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livingaloha · 41-45, F
As a parent, I think we need to teach our children as much as we can. We do that by talking and encouraging them to ask questions. You give advice and share stories in hopes that they don't repeat your mistakes. Sadly, sometimes you need to experience things firsthand to truly learn something. Then, as a parent, you bite your tongue and try not to say, "I told you so," but be there to support them and tell them to learn from their mistakes.
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Melpomene · 26-30, F
@livingaloha Oh yes, that is a much better option :D
My parents kept going on with ''you should have listened to me'', even though I see now that my decision was better, and it almost ruined my life (because of consequences). It's hard when there's a mix of risk and moody teenagers.
My parents kept going on with ''you should have listened to me'', even though I see now that my decision was better, and it almost ruined my life (because of consequences). It's hard when there's a mix of risk and moody teenagers.
livingaloha · 41-45, F
@Melpomene Yup! Mines are entering those tough years!!! Lots of deep breaths.
Melpomene · 26-30, F
@livingaloha Good luck!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I consider teach and preach two vary different things. Teach implies a willingness to learn whatever is being taught.
Learning from experience is going to happen no matter what or you are bound to go through that experience until you do learn it.
Learning from experience is going to happen no matter what or you are bound to go through that experience until you do learn it.
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
ugh. if they are adults let them be. unless they are hurting self or others. i think some people get too involved with telling other people how they should be
bijouxbroussard · F
I would only presume to teach or advise a child, seriously, unless I was being asked for advice. I assume an adult knows what he or she is doing until they prove otherwise.
MethDozer · M
True knowledge comes from pain.