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One thing you learn from having brothers, sons, other male relatives and male friends…

…women are ridiculous, too. 🙄
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@caPnAhab Precisely.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@bijouxbroussard it's easy to see I think. Don't know why every one has to get all devicive about it.

And thank you for giving best comment 😃

Well, we’re aiming for equality. I rather hoped it would go a different way.
bookerdana · M
Yeah,I had no sisters..there were no girls my age on my block...I walked home for lunch and (hoo boy) went to an all boys HS...what a rude awakening for ME😫
@bookerdana I remember when my brother was a teenager. The only boy with three sisters, he liked women and was comfortable with them. But there was someone special; he asked her out and when she said yes, he planned to take her someplace really nice. When he picked her up, she asked him to drop her off at another guy’s house. He was so hurt, and didn’t tell us for a long time. I mean, she could’ve just refused the date. 😞
bookerdana · M
@bijouxbroussard Thats on her. edit:what she did was both mean spirited and weird,everyone knows the meaning of a date

I loved women,just not my age😀 I did date in HS,but only caught up in Uni
Ontheroad · M
Aren't we all... we humans regardless of sex are a mess.
@Ontheroad Pretty much.
Lostpoet · M
They do smell better though.
LilMonkey78 · 46-50, F
I have all bothers, and three sons… they drive us to our crazy😂
@LilMonkey78 Yes, but you still love them and wouldn’t want to see their hearts broken…right ?
LilMonkey78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard more than life. And no I’d never want that in a million years
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Absolutely true.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
This is absolutely true
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WhyThooo · 31-35
@bijouxbroussard what. I don't get it still. What having male relatives taught me is that men treat women like meat, even their own sisters. Women don't do that to their brothers.
@WhyThooo I’m sorry you experienced that, but I’m not going to argue the point with you. I used to volunteer in a women’s shelter and saw women constantly go back to abusive men, and sometimes get guys who were trying to help or protect them killed. 😞
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@Donotfolowme Absolutely right.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
@bijouxbroussard why am I always right.. dayum 🤨
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