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what will happen to all your possessions after you pass on

does anyone ever think about this or worry about it? what should i do?

i live in a little flat but i have a lot of 'stuff'....a lot of posessions...books, clothes, my computer, dvds, blu-rays, my iphone, hard drives, doesn't sound like too much compared to others but its a lot for a small one bedroom flat and the posessions mean a lot to me.

so eventually when i pass on, what will happen to all my gear/stuff? is there anything i can do to make sure it all goes where i want it to go?

can i be buried with all my posessions?
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Sylphrena · 31-35
I don't know the answer, but I wonder the same. Assuming I make it to old age, it's highly likely I won't have anyone to pass my things on to. Not that they're worth anything anyway. But still. I guess I'll be dead though, so it's not really my problem lol
swirlie · F
My great-grandfather started asking me this about 5 years ago, which is also when I got very frank with him and told him the cold hard reality of his earthly possessions. I took him over to a Salvation Army donation center where we browsed through the retail store for an hour, then went to two other donation sites and did the same thing, followed by coffee for two at the local donut shop.

What we both concluded was that all the stuff he had kept since the Great Depression as a kid, plus all the stuff he'd gathered along the way, such as a ceramic widget with one handle broken from it ...and the spring broken, but which belonged to his own father who was too young to fight in WWI but always swore he was on the front lines which is where he found the widget in the first place, all had the same thing in common.... it was just STUFF.

We then went to Walmart because he said that's where all the older chicks hang out and what we both concluded after an hour of pushing a cart up one aisle and down the other while cruising for hot chicks, was that all the stuff he had at home was the same stuff he could buy brand new at Walmart! The difference between the two are the war stories that go with his, versus the non-war story that goes with the stuff supplied by Walmart.

At the end of the day, anything you now own has no inherent meaning of itself, but has ONLY the meaning that YOU assign to it. For that reason, stuff only has meaning to the 'person' who assigned that meaning to it, not the next guy who will own it!

When stuff's original owner dies, the meaning or significance of his stuff dies along with him. ALL that stuff then needs to be taken to a donation site and dropped off in case someone else needs a widget to replace the one they have that got broken, but which is no longer carried at Walmart.
Sevendays · M
It will go to my children and grandchildren.

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