Do you have too much stuff?I just went on a major cleanup of my house. I found so much stuff that I don't need, clothes, dishes, Tupperware, old car parts, an extra lawn mower, pool toys,.
imagine having someone who hypes you up even when you feel like the ugliest gargoyle in the world.such a gem (Quote) (1)
I might be flirting around with the person i like and just talking nonsense for shits and gigglesbut I still can't deny the fact that I'll never ever experience genuine romance I've ever wanted when i was young. --- THIS IS ME IN MY DELULU ERA. DONT MIND ME, I JUST CANT SLEEP. I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT I JUST SAID, I JUST WANTED TO WRITE IT... See More ยป
What are that top three things that you haven't touched or used for years but you still keep at home because they hold significant memories?Old letters, gifts and cards