what will happen to all your possessions after you pass ondoes anyone ever think about this or worry about it? what should i do? i live in a little flat but i have a lot of 'stuff'....a lot of posessions...books, clothes, my computer, dvds, blu-rays, my iphone, hard drives, doesn't sound like too much... See More ยป
Do you have too much stuff?I just went on a major cleanup of my house. I found so much stuff that I don't need, clothes, dishes, Tupperware, old car parts, an extra lawn mower, pool toys,.
imagine having someone who hypes you up even when you feel like the ugliest gargoyle in the world.such a gem (Quote) (1)
I might be flirting around with the person i like and just talking nonsense for shits and gigglesbut I still can't deny the fact that I'll never ever experience genuine romance I've ever wanted when i was young. --- THIS IS ME IN MY DELULU ERA. DONT MIND ME, I JUST CANT SLEEP. I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT I JUST SAID, I JUST WANTED TO WRITE IT... See More ยป