TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
I’m a no touchies type..
no need for hugs or handshakes..
traditions that need leaving behind..
no need for hugs or handshakes..
traditions that need leaving behind..
TomboyGirl · F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout agreed. i will not handshake or high five people, ill just stare at them until they get the hint lol
SolGryn · 31-35, M
Whatever makes you happy
malaki11 · 31-35, M
You sound like my little sister. She HATES anyone to touch her for any reason or to even stand close. She has the most accusatory evil look to repel people (and she includes her family as "people"). Me I don't get the big deal with touching but whatever floats the person's boat I guess.

Yeah I’m the same