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Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
You'll have to speak for yourself for that last bit even young I never dressed that way ...I have a lot of respect for myself.
Frostcloud · F
@Justmeraeagain you can dress however makes you feel your best, im sure you look lovely in more modest clothing ❤ wanting to wear different styles has nothing to do with a lack of self respect. its a matter of what makes you comfortable in your own skin and how you express yourself
if I could, i wouldn't wear a bra when i run errands! but ive been harassed at a gas station wearing men's sweatpants, and a men's 3xl hoodie, while other men watched. the point of my post is women should be able to wear the clothes they feel comfortable in without risking their safety
if I could, i wouldn't wear a bra when i run errands! but ive been harassed at a gas station wearing men's sweatpants, and a men's 3xl hoodie, while other men watched. the point of my post is women should be able to wear the clothes they feel comfortable in without risking their safety
Magenta · F
Hmm no not entirely.
I do like to look good/attractive for my man, why wouldn't I?
I do like to look good/attractive for my man, why wouldn't I?
HannahSky · F
I don't necessarily think so