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Milkcandy26-30, F
Guy groping woman on public transport
huzzah26-30, M
@Milkcandy going to reply?馃
Milkcandy26-30, F
@huzzah im not here for romance
huzzah26-30, M
@Milkcandy ok :(

bugeye26-30, F
things named something they are not. Caramel Macchiatos annoy me now because it's made with Vanilla and not caramel >:(

it's either that or non flavour flavours. bubblegum flavor soft drink? birthday cake flavour ice cream? ffs 馃槨

(i have no real rational reason for hating these. i just do.)
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@bugeye 馃槯
Its hard for me to get annoyed but i would think the one the that annoys me the most is having a group conversation and one person keeps cutting me off and ignores anything i have to say
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@morrgin 馃憖
Being stuck in a tight space for a long period of time
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@SW-User you must give me cookies and fried chicken to be released 馃憖
Falling into an erupting volcano
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@TheLordOfHell that only happened to you like 80 times
@XDHyperGirlXD1 At least
basilfawlty8931-35, M
People chewing loudly.
People who say the same thing over and over..

I feel like

"I heard you the first time", do you want a certificate or something
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@SW-User that chicken looks good D:
@XDHyperGirlXD1 lmao girl, I meant people in real life 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@SW-User i still want that chicken that guy posted tho 馃憖
Right now it's this messed up site that's very annoying with all the bullshit and glitches
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@Lilnonames but the most important thing to ask is the fried chicken safe D:
@XDHyperGirlXD1 yes I just eat chopped BBQ chicken sandwich
XDHyperGirlXD131-35, F
@Lilnonames no you didnt you thought you did but i really ate it :D

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