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Ian2022 · 41-45, M
Can you imagine the venom when Donald Trump starts his 2024 campaign… good grief 🤨
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@Ian2022 Ugh...don't remind me.
Ian2022 · 41-45, M
And can you imagine if Biden decides one term is enough and Hilary Clinton decides to have yet another go!!! 🥴@SubstantialKick
ElleryQueen · 61-69, M
@Ian2022 I think a primary race between Mrs Clinton and Ms Harris (you know, the current vice-president) would be vastly entertaining.

Bri89 · 31-35, M
I agree. There is no nuance with the political posts on here which is why I've muted anyone who goes on about either political party whether I agree with them or not. It achieves nothing.

It is easier to be extreme than it is to look at both sides as looking at both sides takes something called critical thinking which seems to be at a premium these days.
twiigss · M
@Bri89 I try to keep an open mind, and give everyone a chance before blocking. I know exactly what you mean regarding people going on and on and on with the political posts.

I've blocked several people who go on with the political posts. You try to share your thoughts and how you feel, they agree with you or you have a civil discussion, and think that maybe it'll change how they think, but then their next post is political and back to square one. Like, they didn't really think about what you and them spoke about.

That's when I get fed up and block them. But in any type of situation, I look at both sides and try to give my honest input. I just try to stay as neutral as possible when talking politics, but it's really something we shouldn't discuss in company.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@twiigss @Bri89 What annoys me is when someone starts discussing politics on a non political post and then an argument breaks out...ugh.
It's all BS , that's why I don't participate.
bookerdana · M
Many niche and dog whistle questions that have the answer in the statement(cause they are not questions.....There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?
What a field day for the heat (Ooh ooh ooh)
A thousand people in the street (Ooh ooh ooh)
Singing songs and they carrying signs (Ooh ooh ooh)
Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" (Ooh ooh ooh)
It's time we stop
Hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look, what's going down?
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away For What Its Worth,1967(?)
Arriving at a decision about any issue is much easier if you ask "red or blue?" instead of actually thinking about it.
Neither party approves of the others values...but both demand you live THEIR way.
MethDozer · M
It's like that everywhere and always has been. That's why there was this wonderful forgotten about cultural norm of not duscussing politics or religion as part of polite company.

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