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I Have Or Know Someone With Parkinson's

I was out with my granddad in a restaurant today. He had ordered a starter. Some soup.

When he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, I was too young to be told about it. And after that, nobody ever talked about it. He didn't have symptoms, and I guess nobody wanted to talk about it much.

So it never really sunk in, for me, that he has Parkinson's disease. As I watched him eating his soup, it shocked me just how much his hands were shaking. It scared me too. It also made me very, very sad.

Incurable diseases suck.
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hlpflwthat · M
There is hope. Check out 'Ride With Larry' on youtube - watch the series where he takes his first puffs of weed. Unbelievable. This is a retired cop sharing the info. Night & day difference.
hlpflwthat · M
@RoboChloe: No one has ever died of marijuana overdose. No one. You could at least show him the video.
Wiseacre · F
Yes, marijuana might help!
RoboChloe · 26-30, F
Even if it were legal, available, or affordable for him, I don't think he'd do it. Out of principle. He's that kind of person.
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hlpflwthat · M
Here's the finale - you'll probably want to watch all 3 parts, each less than 3 minutes ...

newtomountainlife · 61-69, M
It is very hard to watch someone going through this. ☹️
Wiseacre · F
Indeed it's sad. The medication for Parkinson's is not very most end up with dementia.
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
my wife,but controlling it,

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