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And I'm officially sick

Yesterday I woke up and went downstairs to hang out with some relatives. At about 5:30am or so I took some Tylenol for my headache I had, but some water went down the wrong pipe, so went into a massive coughing fit. Ever since then I've had a sore throat and coughing, but not feeling congested, nose isn't stuffed up and body aches and minor chills.

I took NyQuil before bed last night, and this morning I took Robitussin Non-Drowsy with the Guaifenesin. Still coughing but not as bad. Still have the sore throat and body aches but feeling hot. Woke up with a headache, went back to bed until 9:00am and took 2 Excedrin Migraine and headache gone in 5 to 10 minutes which is great!!

I have a seizure disorder so am thinking the headaches are related to it. There's been at least 2 times when I woke up and my head hurt so bad, like it had been in a vice. Like it physically hurt, and sometimes the medicine does nothing to alleviate the pain.
My Dad had a remedy for sore throats, heat up some real lemonade, stir in a teaspoon of honey and two crushed tylenol, natural theraflu, drink up while it's still hot.
@twiigss Those chewables are very addictive, I used to do the same.
@NativePortlander1970 OMG YES!! I probably ate that whole bottle before the week was over with.
@twiigss I bought the rolls of them.

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