I Feel Sick
I wish I could afford to live somewhere where people would leave me alone. I'm tired of constant bombardment of noises of all kinds. Especially noise from people locking their cars 24 hours a day. *honk *honk *beep *chirp... waking me up at all hours of the night. In the daytime you think maybe I can take a nap. Nope. more honking... Leaf blowers, and you name it... Then there is all of people's drama. Then there is all the illness and disease caused by all these food and environmental toxins we are exposed to so everyone around me is sick and ill. Then there is every corporation and person out to scam you out of your hard earned money. Then even if I could move farther away, there is all this noise from airplanes and helicopters overhead, still light pollution blocking out the stars, smoke from forest fires, or lumberjacks thinning the forest, or outback hicks running around with guns and diesel trucks or dirt bikes.
I feel sick. Then if I could afford to live somewhere away from everyone, I still feel sick because I am lonely and I don't fit into this nightmare of a toxic rude society where I can't even find love, understanding or support.
I feel sick. Then if I could afford to live somewhere away from everyone, I still feel sick because I am lonely and I don't fit into this nightmare of a toxic rude society where I can't even find love, understanding or support.