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Things to never say to Diabetics whatever which type it is

Because some people are completely clueless and uneducated on this

There is very little education on the different types . There are more than just type 1 and type 2 . There is a lot more to this then just diet and excersize for some . It's an auto immune disease . It's hereditary. Everyone's diabetes is different. Everyone's pancreas is different and functions differently. Ugh ...
Yeah, I had diabetes once. I woke up and I felt like I needed chocolate and I was like ugh, diabetes. So I totally get you!

Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F
Which my twins father has is it was hereditary im his case he has ended up losing part of one of his legs but it wasnt due to diabetes it was from a infection he has had off an on for years so they kept trying too to cut it out but his diabetes wouldnt allow him to heal properly
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@Gibbon no it's not always hereditary... like I said there are more than just two types that can be brought on by different things. Should of elaborated on that . I'm sorry you are going through that .
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@pripyatamusementpark I'm a two time cancer survivor in remission for 20 years. Dealing with diabetes as a result is an acceptable nuisance. What is baffling to deal with is doing the same daily meal and activity routine and watching sugar levels swing like they have a mind of their own. It's frustrating.
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@iamonfire696 oh i get my fair share of ignorant people to deal with too haha
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@iamonfire696 believe me I do 😂

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