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Got a phone call from a friend today

He informed me that despite his triple vaxed status he came down with a very bad case of covid. Sadly not only did he get covid but he passed it on to two other triple vaxed adults living in his home. He thinks he got covid at a work camp that demands up to date vax status and uses constant testing and mask wearing. Good thing everyone is now recovered. I can only hope that his vaxes don't do any damage.
PhoenixPhail · M Best Comment
Sadly, I think the vaxes probably will do damage.
They're designed to do that.
The damage may not express for months or years.
My understanding is, the spike proteins will be working on their immune systems, permanently. So, their vulnerability to any disease is greater. 😔

I hearing from friends, family and acquaintances who are getting covid. All of them are vaxxed/boosted.
BeachGirl47 · 26-30, F
Covid cases where I live are low. I don't know actual numbers but the state says it's low.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BeachGirl47 Yes the covid count is low here as well. It is now almost exclusively among the fully vaxed. The more shots you have had the greater the chance you have of getting the disease.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BeachGirl47 Although the case counts are low here the stats show something strange 90% of the cases are among the jabbed. 80% of the cases are among the triple jabbed according to government statistics.
Thank you for Best Comment.
I really hope your friend and those who live with him do well with the "vaccines." 🙏
LegendofPeza · 56-60, M
Donald Trump comes out with more convincing anecdotes than you do.
Good thing everyone is now recovered.
Wiseacre · F
Yep, it happens...
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