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My cousin told me the other day

That her husband might have cancer but they caught it early so they want to do a biopsy. Anyway he may be in the hospital for 5 days if they find that it is cancer. So she was complaining that if he's in the hospital for 5 days that means she'll have to drive there and back every day. She knows that 5 years ago when my dad was in nursing homes and hospitals that there wasn't 1 day that I didn't go see him before he died. I drove 40 minutes to, and 40 minutes from wherever he was . Be it nursing home or hospital for 3 months. And she has the audacity to say 5 days is going to be terrible to go see her husband.
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Blondily · F
If my hub ever gets cancer, Ill stay with him and not go home at all. I could never leave his side.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@Blondily there relationship isn't like that. They love each other but don't like each other
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Get this. When my wife's grandfather was dying in the hospital, his wife didn't even visit him at all!
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Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Shows where her priorities are.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
While she may be self centered and seemingly uncaring, it may be the only way she can deal with such a serious and/or possibly traumatic situation.
Sometimes one has to remove themselves from a situation to regroup their thoughts, thinking about and making decisions as to what to do, how to do it and when to do it, what the future holds, etc.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@IM5688 yeah I get that. But my cousins always seam to complain about stuff I've already gone through without complaining. For example... when my dad died I had to go through the whole funeral arrangements by myself. I took care of power of attorney long before that and a lot of other things. So when her parents were getting really bad I told them what they should start preparing for. They ignored me . So when their parents died all hell broke loose and they couldn't handle anything . There is 6 kids in the family but they were all complaining that now they had to get things together. They had to have meetings with each other. They couldn't decide on the funeral arrangements. But not once did they say anything about how I went through all this by myself. It makes me feel like I don't exist.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@melissa001 You are a take charge, get what needs to done, person. You can handle anything that comes your way.
They obviously can't. But every family has people like that.
@melissa001 Life lesson: Never expect commendations from people who don’t measure up.
When my hub's sister died their dad didn't visit even once. Though to a degree he's incapacitated. But he could have went at least once. Everyone knew she was dying.
Lostpoet · M
Being surround by family would probably boost her husbands morale I hope she goes.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@Lostpoet she will definitely go. She just complains about it.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
Well someday he won't be atound and she won't have to worry about visiting him
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@invisiblewoman she's an angel compared to him. He tells her what to do. She has a factory job even though she has back and leg problems while he sits at home. He verbally abused her.
Situations like this can really highlight a person’s true colors.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
Osogris · 56-60, M
Ouch…as if the fear of cancer in his body wasn’t enough, now we all know she’s been a cancer of his soul for years.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@Osogris hardly. She does everything for him. He verbally abuses her all the time. She has to work while he stays home and doesn't do anything. He doesn't want her to go anywhere and makes her cry all the time. So I can understand why she doesn't want to go. I was just saying that she was complaining about how many days she'd have to visit him.
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
I understand. Some people's complaints are ridiculous and hard to swallow. Even well thought and reasonable excuses, after awhile, are just excuses.
melissa001 · 56-60, F
@SlaveEt that sums it up.

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