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Life is a battle when you have a mental illness

I'm forever batting with my brain. It convinces me of things that aren't necessarily true. It's a battle to look happy on the outside when I'm crying on the inside. It becomes draining and I'm better off on my own so I'm not a burden to anyone else. When I was 19 , and in agreement with my mum , I moved into my own flat. My mental state had taken its toll on her. It was for the best , not just for me , but for her too. And my sister.
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Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I remember what thats like. I used to have terrible depression and anxiety when I was in late teens/early 20s. I shan't go into it because it's a bummer but I'm out the other side now after a lot of self work.
@Ryannnnnn glad to hear that
I feel i am never good enough for anything. I dont like change and when new things come along i dont want to know about them. I hate training courses as i get embarrassed about having to right or when they ask a question i cant answer it
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
Mental illness can be so awful. I hope you do have a support network and professional help.
Chrisy3 · 18-21, F
I’m really sorry to hear that - I’m sending big virtual hugs your way 🤗🤗🤗

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