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What makes you want to kiss someone?

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Nanori · F
If they're like this
@Nanori squishy n cute
Lilymoon · F
attraction and chemistry 😍
Poppies · 61-69, F
Smoldery eyes
The shape of the lips sometimes 👄. I can’t help it when I notice a great looking set of lush lips 😊
The lips are the visible body part at the mouth of many animals, including humans. Lips are soft, movable, and serve as the opening for food intake and in the articulation of sound and speech. Human lips are a tactile sensory organ, and can be an erogenous zone when used in kissing and other acts of intimacy.
That’s al I have to say about that 😌
@SW-User Beautiful 🥰
Thank you 🙏 @BrokenAbyss
When I have strong, overwhelming feelings for them.
there are many versions. no one knows for sure.

maybe it's a veiled desire to taste a nice person...

"A kiss is the beginning of cannibalism."
Georges Bataille.
icedsky · 51-55, M
Its all spur of the moment after a buildup of chemistry. Eye contact.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
She has a certain indefinable quality that she has shared with me.
Ontheroad · M
Honestly, it's in their eyes or smile... often both.
@Teggy yeah, smiling lips are so kissable
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
She gives me an unexpected hug.
Lumberjack70 · 56-60, M
kiss? not much

I think more about sex lol
@SW-User do you not kiss during sex?
@BrokenAbyss sometimes...

when we do it's like he's trying to devour my mouth
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
If they are hot
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Thick hairy eyebrows
Whodunnit · M
Booze usually, but a slap in the face can have a very sobering effect.
When they look all cute n kissable n stuff. And if I really feel connected with them.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Drippy dick
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@SkeetSkeet that made my stomach hurt lol
ChiefJustWalks · 26-30
Expressive eyes, nice lips, cuddly personality, basically all that cute shit 😌
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
A connection

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