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This question is for the younger age range 16-18 older can help to

So my second oldest daughter just started to date she is turning 17. Now even though I am not okay with it I wanted her to have a little freedom, but I started noticing a major change in her in less then two months. She's become very closed off and failing grades and lying. As a mom I did Snoop in her stuff and found a long letter with some pretty out there things. I feel like she is beyond depressed and I want to help her, but not sure how to approach her and the situation. I can say stop seeing him but I don't want her mad. Any help please from teens of today
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popmol · 26-30, M
well i'd say don't snoop around in her stuff, give her more hugs and make yourself completely open to her! but theres 1 problem the grades and the lying. you need to find out if the boyfriend is a problem since he could be a bad influence. if he is bad you should forbid her from seeing him.
IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
dont snoop around in her stuff and give her time...
@Pinkrainbowkisses:Lol Not to mention when we pay for all of the fancy electronics they have and the roof over there head and the food we buy, I can do what I want until my daughter can provide for herself. Kids don't understand that one bit.
@DidIHurtYourFeelings: I've had a few friends say the exact same thing as you did.. their parents didn't 'spy' aka 'snooping around' and let them do whatever.. they wished the same as you.

That's what I always told my kids.. I pay for your cell phone and internet so i'll check whenever i please. Just like on here.. look at all the crap these old men say to kids their age. It's repulsing. Luckily, I was able to put an end to a situation that was very scary and dangerous. Some old man was pretending to be a young boy and talking to my daughter. Thank god I SNOOPED and was able to pick up on it and realize this boy wasn't a boy at all. Do I regret snooping.. hell NO.. but I sure as hell would have regretted had I not snooped.

I know what you're going through.. and it's not easy. Keep doing what you're doing.. and communicate.

@Pinkrainbowkisses: damn we are so much a like :)
Yeah I plan to talk to her. Her older sister at one point thought that she would do as she wanted lmao that lasted a whole week until I spent the following week walking her to class and sitting there "she was in high school. Now she's graduated top ten with a free ride to any collage. So yeah I'm going to keep doing what any good mom who loves her child would do and that's be her parent not her best friend

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