Honestly, the type of women that guys consider tens are not usually all that attractive to me. They often don't look real to me, or you can tell half their day or more goes into managing appearance. It's true I wouldn't want someone significantly overweight, but I would rather date someone who is willing to eat a steak with me or go out for an ice cream and not be a strict vegan, so I expect at least a few extra pounds.
Cooking and cleaning is only an expectation if she isn't working. Then those become her contributions to the family. If she is working, we'll have to divide that up.
As for sucking dk, yeah sorry. It doesn't need to be that specifically, but I value the physical release of sexuality. I can't argue that one.
Emotionally, I can only heal myself. She can support but it's up to me.
I think the type of dude described in the post is becoming more common due to internet culture setting unrealistic expectations.