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What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?

Eurydicekallos · 26-30, F
Ex-fiance and I were suppose to walk to restaurant together to talk and spend more time together, instead he says he has to pickup his wallet he left at work and tells me to wait outside while he goes inside. He is talking and messing around with his coworkers for abt 40 mins before i call him and ask how long. He comes outside with a drink telling me to go ahead and he will meet me there and goes back with his drink inside. I obviously dont want to leave without him because we suppose be spending time together but agree once he starts yelling at me about just letting him be to get his wallet....i plan on getting the bus since its a decently long walk and i dont want to walk by myself. Just barely miss the bus as i get to the bus stop. End up walking way there and break down crying so upset how day ended up going. Finally get to the resturant and wait near front lobby part of it for him. After another 30 or so mins try calling him and he denies my call and messages me "what". Mention my anxiety is getting really bad waiting by myself so he says to just go in. I pay and go in getting a table to wait for him. After an hr and like 15 mins he finally shows up so i get up to pay for him and he joins me. The whole time we are suppose be spending time together eating and talking etc he is just on his phone and ignoring me for the most part even getting upset with me trying talk to him so i give up. Rest of "date" was just us eating.(one thing that still frustrates me when i think about it is that we already said i was paying for everything on the date because he didnt have any like why couldnt his wallet have waited). I never felt so bad on a date before.
@Eurydicekallos understand why he is your ex
Eurydicekallos · 26-30, F
@Sojournersoul that was about a year before breaking up. He was great at gaslighting. . .final straw was finding out him cheating and him throwing a knife at me when i asked about it.
@Eurydicekallos glad you got out when you did.
dale74 · M
I went on a first date with this woman we get to the pub I'm looking at the menu the waitress comes over and asked if we'd like something to drink I order a gin and seven she proceeds to order shots and stuff a total of 15 drinks. She then said that looks like one of the guys that she did a train with the week before. I told her I don't think this is going to work out and apparently she needs some other people there she said that's okay I can get a ride home with them so I left.
wudifu · 46-50, M
With the wife
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
First and only date she began discussing witchcraft
Rpfun78 · 61-69, M
Wait 45 minutes in her place while she got ready. On the way to the play which there was a good chance we did late for she told be she always cares a gun in her purse and not afraid to use it.
Like I want her after making wait that long lol
bugeye · 26-30, F
Bf was horrible on our 1st date. Took me to get ice cream and he was so awkward n shy. (Granted we were 14/15) at the time)

But there was a kind, innocent sweetness there that won me over.
I guess the ones where they don't show up. Lol
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Think that is when I married her
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katydidnt · 61-69, F
@NiteRaven93 Not as bad as arriving, dressed fittingly, only to find it wasn't an adult theater.

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