DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I think you're way over generalizing. Plenty of tall men don't get dates or get rejected by the women. Tall themselves or not.
Ferric67 · M
I, for one, like tall can almost say that I prefer them. But, with that said, I'm totally open to building relationships with shorter ones as well. Picking someone solely on height is rather shallow.
It should be more for compatibility reasons why you choose a specific mate...and not due to what their shoe size is.
With that said, these women that give you might be more along the lines of them just liking your guy and being jealous. Not necessarily singling you out for being short and pairing with someone tall.
It should be more for compatibility reasons why you choose a specific mate...and not due to what their shoe size is.
With that said, these women that give you might be more along the lines of them just liking your guy and being jealous. Not necessarily singling you out for being short and pairing with someone tall.
cerealguy · 26-30, M
Ngl, cuter and feminine are two different things. A tall, feminine woman can be super attractive
But you have a great point about height preferences there tbh
But you have a great point about height preferences there tbh
Aysel · F
@cerealguy Beautiful are the tall women. OP attempts to minimise tall women on a regular basis. Observe her post-history, for example. Furthermore, tall women are less uneducated because they are not subjected to the incessant harassment and abuse of ignorant people like OP, who believe that a person's value is determined solely by their height. Tall people would be perfect in every situation if that were the case. The majority of the time, small ladies prefer tall guys and don't want to date short men. As opposed to the reverse, I've noticed a lot more tall, progressive ladies.
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Mistakesmakeus · M
I like me a tall queen