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Is it normal to not worry nor care about having a partner in your late 20s?

Since I broke up with my ex boyfriend, I've had a few guys from work ask me out on dates. I turn them down because I have no inkling to be with anyone.
Existentior · M Best Comment
Not worrying nor caring about having a partner is the FUCKING OWNAGE! I live that lifestyle and it's THE OWNAGE!1!1!1!1!1

DreamingOfSummer · 26-30, F
Who cares what's normal? If you don't want a partner, don't have a partner.
Fishy · 36-40, F
I'm the same tbh.

I'm 30, my last relationship was when I was 19.

I just lost interest, I guess.
celine211 · 22-25, F
Who the hell has the right to say what's normal or you're life how you want to
@celine211 Do you know what normal means? It means 'conforming to a norm'. Do you know how a norm is formed? By common ground. Do you know what we can do with that? Draw statistics. Individualism doesn't fit in this picture.
tuquoque · 31-35, F
In your late 20’s, most people are more focused on themselves. Part of that includes not being so desperate for companionship.
@tuquoque Then there are people who are desperate for a partner because they 'need a man'. Some girls..
I think it's quite healthy. Normal?? Probably better, because you're not worried about it.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Nope.. If you're happy, isn't that the main thing?

You do what you want girl!
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I think it's not normal to think that you always have to be partnered up.
Not at all! There is nothing wrong with enjoying your own company. There is much more to life that romantic relationships.
LyricalOne · F
Lol... normal. What if I said it’s not normal? If that’s how you feel, that’s how you feel.
Shayla · F
It is healthy to take time for yourself between relationships.
Yes I want to stop feeling bad and I want to be like you
Yes normal who needs men. Lol
Trevo · 26-30, M
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
If you're not feeling it, what's the point?

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