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C1577429 · 26-30, F
—First of all, I do have a lot of secrets, but my hair is not dyed. Second of all, o believe we all have skeletons in the closet, and self-esteem is never a steady thing.And so, what’s so terrible about having secrets?
—You see, I don't know you at all but I must say people who dye their hair, specially blue, have too many secrets. One of us could have a skeleton in the closet or really low self-esteem.
C1577429 · 26-30, F
—Physical resemblance and personality resemblance are not mutually exclusive, you know? The first, we have; the second we oughta find out. And this, no shame, and no dumbness at all. So, shall we find out?
—Oh, yeah, that's right. I thought it could be related to.. You know.. Personality. Oh god, I feel so dumb... And kind of ashamed..
C1577429 · 26-30, F
—It may be quite simple, but… —she points at her blue hair with one hand, and her eyes with the other.— Do you disagree?
—I can't answer you unless you tell me why but I'm interested (wink wink)
C1577429 · 26-30, F
—You and I might be alike.

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