I love Native Americans 🤍🖤💛❤️
I live near Apache and Navajo reservations and whenever someone tells me they’re tribal Native American, they have my immediate respect.
From my experience, they’re always the nicest and most humble people around. Shit, the local Apache reservation allowed me apply for my LPFM radio license through them! That was so nice… Whenever I get my radio station up and running, I’m promoting their tribe’s businesses and events every single day!
I have a bit of Apache in me as well since my mom is technically half Apache, but I never identify as one myself. When we got a whole bunch of white people with just a pinch of indigenous in them identifying as such, I feel doing so would be disrespectful to actual Native Americans.
There’s a white people joke that goes like “What do you call 50 white people in one room? A full-blooded Cherokee.” I would never want to be one of those said white people on that room, lol. I always strive to pay nothing but the utmost respect to Native Americans. And if I ever meet any racists against Natives, you can bet I’ll be blasting them all over on the radio!
Respect the indigenous peoples.
From my experience, they’re always the nicest and most humble people around. Shit, the local Apache reservation allowed me apply for my LPFM radio license through them! That was so nice… Whenever I get my radio station up and running, I’m promoting their tribe’s businesses and events every single day!
I have a bit of Apache in me as well since my mom is technically half Apache, but I never identify as one myself. When we got a whole bunch of white people with just a pinch of indigenous in them identifying as such, I feel doing so would be disrespectful to actual Native Americans.
There’s a white people joke that goes like “What do you call 50 white people in one room? A full-blooded Cherokee.” I would never want to be one of those said white people on that room, lol. I always strive to pay nothing but the utmost respect to Native Americans. And if I ever meet any racists against Natives, you can bet I’ll be blasting them all over on the radio!
Respect the indigenous peoples.