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In this day and age if you have to wonder if your baby is a boy, a girl or a furry

you are fukked. Personal thought
Fairydust · F Best Comment
It’s BS, they’ve brainwashed the kids in school, years of programming, the people in power want people confused.
It’s all by design, sick people.
revenant · F
@Fairydust there are lots of people here who totally believe that they were born "vile" because they are male and white. It is very eerie to listen to them...........I do not know if England has so many people like that also.
Fairydust · F
@revenant I’ve never come across that before 😞 so sad.
revenant · F
@Fairydust my son is educated in Canada and he talks like that ....it is a weird weird rabbit hole of a world

summersong · F
Personal thought. I have two children whose genders mean fuck all to me because all I care about is their happiness and who they are as people.
revenant · F
@summersong yeah but my boys are still boys and they chose it that way
summersong · F
@revenant well both of my children define their own genders and it has not changed one single thing about how I think of them or view them.
revenant · F
@summersong accidents of birth ?
BlueVeins · 22-25
Is that really even a problem
revenant · F
@BlueVeins for some it is apparently5
BlueVeins · 22-25
@revenant sounds pretty weak
Elessar · 26-30, M
Outside of rightwing's paranoia no one gives a sh*t honestly. That's the whole point, be whatever you want just don't step on other people's rights. A concept too difficult to accept for fashies.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@revenant You realize that fascism is a far right ideology, or? You realize that it is essentially the cr#p you ardently push?
revenant · F
@Elessar never heard of the horse shoe theory I guess
Elessar · 26-30, M
@revenant Never learned that a horse shoe isn't shaped like a circle I guess

Besides, you have no idea what the "far left' even is, so figure how much sense you make when you talk about horseshoes; the far left in fact is pulling the same conspiratoid cr#p as the far right, I deal with the both of you on a daily basis on here
revenant · F
@revenant you know I always wanted to have a little baby. But sadly not yet married.
RedBaron · M
Unless, of course, you don't. And of what concern are other people's children to you?
revenant · F
@RedBaron could not care less but they should not touch mine
RedBaron · M
@revenant That's not the thrust of your post as written.
revenant · F
@RedBaron so be it
Diaermatty · 56-60, M
Just a big baby boy hear
Do I dare ask what a "furry" is?
Vin53 · M
maybe, just make your point rather than a dumbass rhetorical question.

Vin53 · M
Can't touch this.

@Vin53 I may be a dumbass but at least we are on the same page when it comes to Orange Hitler. Like most everyone else who detests the man I would love to see him in an orange jumpsuit but I doubt that will ever happen.
Ah! I see the context now. I just skimmed through the movie A Monsoon Date yestereve.

And I had to check the exact name of the movie now.
bookerdana · M
Birth certificates don't come with the furry option🤣
revenant · F
@bookerdanathey will soon :)
bookerdana · M
@revenant one hopes not 😫
Vin53 · M
Or maybe you have no clue as to what is the reason you'd ask about infants?
Adstar · 56-60, M
In the head...
DDonde · 31-35, M
you want a baby boy, girl or a furry puppy ?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Excuse you?
candycane · 31-35, F
You never can tail what they gonna be
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