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Both democrat and republican parties are making a mockery out of the U.S.A. and its Constitution:

You can continue crying but please stop all your lying.

Everything that comes from this government is misleading, misinformation, disinformation, and just plain lies. This includes charts, polls, evidence, etc.

So, stop acting like you have proof because it proves nothing.

We the people asked for this by playing the governments game, 'divided you lose' period. We allowed this to happen, and we are all going to have to suffer from the outcome, no matter what.

If you support the democrats, vote democrat, and if you support republicans, vote republican, because none of us know what is really taking place. The whole United States Government is made up of nothing but lying criminals.
its the uniparty.. an illusion of choice.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
So far its the lefties attempting to violate the constitution
Hmmm...we know when politicians are lying because we can see their lips move. And the one thing democrats and republicans seem to agree on is deficit spending, wars, and getting rid of Trump.

Let's try the opposite. We really don't have anything to lose.
LeftWingProgressive · 22-25, T
you all should vote for pedro god dang it
Zonuss · 41-45, M
They make the rules. They could care less about the Constitution. 🙂

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