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dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Pacienca! (have patience); my mother told me that often enough. That and a few other words for things like gremlins and kale soup are about all that was passed on to me. My mother was 100% Azorean (of course, being any percentage Portuguese means you're a mongrel since the Portuguese tended to intermarry with the people they colonized), but her parents refused to teach their children the language, wanting to assure they assimilated. So she and her siblings grew up understanding a lot of what was said because, as kids, their parents would switch to Portugues if they didn't want their kids to know what they were saying, but couldn't really speak it, and weren't bilingual. The siblings referred to it as "the adult language".
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@IFoundLife So what do you think of Chris Hemsworth & Would You Do Him
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Probably some people in Portugal. And Brazil.
I don't speak that
CookieCrumbs · F
Tudo bom.