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I miss the 90s and early 2000s alternative culture

In liverpool we had a huge alternative culture scene, you'd see goths and hippies everywhere you looked.
Girls dressed in black with pink hair in stockings and giant stompers hanging outside of the mecca of Quiggins. Quiggins was the hub for all of us, it was a giant place with a bar, and shops for everything. Hair dyes, piercings, music, clothes, head shops, you name it. You'd smoke joints with random people outside and listen to awesome music, you'd always meet a new face, a new crush, every night was exciting and you never knew what was going to happen.

You didn't have the internet like today so you'd just hear a rumour about some event and turn up in the city, wander around asking other people who looked like you if they'd heard about it. You had a mobile phone that was just for emergencies and you didn't have internet. If you heard a song you liked you'd wonder what it was for years, you'd just go and see bands you'd never seen before.

Now since it closed down, since the old goth clubs closed you don't see them anymore at all. There's a handful of bars you might see people in leather jackets, metalheads and maybe the occasional goth girl but it's not like it used to be. It actually sucks, the internet partly killed alternative culture. People don't congregate anymore, the spirit of the city I knew has morphed into something else, like a lite version of it's former self. I feel like this is the same everywhere now.

Something precious was lost in this age of "connection", people really have disconnected more than ever, you had no other choice but to immerse yourself in the real world then, now we can just dabble.
I was talking about something similar with this guy who sells motorbikes and we both agreed, it's no wonder people are growing up more with anxiety and depression these days, when you barely participate in life and you sit at a screen all day you're bound to not be able to function well in the world. Who wants to read all the problems in the world every day? who can handle that?.

The question is, is there much to participate in anymore?. It seems like it's harder than ever to meet new people in a natural way, especially if you aren't socially attuned yet. Dating is harder than ever for everyone, I used to just go to the city and meet a cute girl and we'd meet up the next weekend, now it seems like that might not be there anymore for people?. That sense of adventure seems to be snuffed for many when everythings so convenient.

I dunno man, you guys really missed out and I wish things were more like they were in some ways. I'm in the process of disconnecting from my devices, I barely come here anymore unless I have something worth while to say, I'm only using my phone when necessary. Getting out of the digital handcuffs that are so comfortable.
LadyJ · F
I miss everything from pre internet days...everything just seems so fake these days..no real bonds or connections anymore
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@LadyJ How can you when nobody is meeting and hanging out like before anymore? or when they are they've got one foot in their phone and one in reality. Too busy documenting a life they're not living. I remember when you saw someone cool in the street you'd tell them and you'd just start talking, so many people don't know how to react to that anymore, it freaks them out haha.
LadyJ · F
@Ryannnnnn so true...i have friends and family who visit me and spend most their time taking pics and posting them on facebook..its ridiculous 🙄😂
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Ryannnnnn @LadyJ
Too busy documenting a life they're not living.
It is like "You are physically here, why do you have to watch it through your phone?"

Sometimes I think maybe it just SEEMS harder to have a social life because we are not in our teens nor early 20's but yeah there is a lot of truth about social venues shutting down or going virtual.
Some will try to blame the pandemic but this has been a problem since before AND after that all happened.

The toughest part though -
Getting out of the digital handcuffs that are so comfortable.
Even if a few people do that, if the rest are still trapped in them, it doesn't do any real good.

Plus even when interacting on social media, we can see on sites like this that only a select few get most of the attention. So it's like there isn't much of a social life in reality NOR online.

I cannot even imagine what dating must be like for young people now. Like the best most of them can hope for is some online BS.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
It was better then!
Chickie · F
It seems like it's harder than ever to meet new people in a natural way, especially if you aren't socially attuned yet.
I had this problem when I was a teen and this was in the 2010's in elementary school it was easier for me to make friends.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Will I travel back in time to '90s Liverpool?

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