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This is how division and racism gets started, for no reason.

So I was at work the other day ( I'm a cashier) and there was a friend of mine who was checking out. Elderly white man, very strong Christian.
Another customer walked up to the line- a young black man in his early 20's probably.
At that moment., a very Orthodox Jewish man walked past us, minding his own business. He was dressed in a long black coat, kippah, and had payot.
The young black man started YELLING, saying "that guy is not a real Jew!! He's from the synagogue of Satan!!!!"
On an on he went, yelling about how black people are the true Jews and everyone else is from the synagogue of Satan.
I looked at him and said that the guy was a real Jew and so am I, a white woman who converted years ago.
He kept yelling about how we might say we're Jewish, but are not true biblical Jews because we're not black.
I told him that according to the Bible, anyone can convert to Judaism and are considered to be just as Jewish as someone black or born Jewish.
But he kept on yelling and by that time other customers had walked up and the young man wouldn't leave my line because he was so riled up. I had to leave my register and go get a manager to make him leave so the other customers could check out.
This is how hatred and racism starts. It could have easily escalated into an actual fight if the people listening around him had been offended. Thankfully they were just listening and watching me to see what I was going to do.
My thing is " who CARES if the guy is practicing his form of Judaism, minding his own business? Bent should it bother that young man so much, to the point where he threw a fit in a grocery store?
As people, why do we care what other people believe and practice, as long as it's not harmful to us or others?
NinaTina · 26-30, F Best Comment
Was probably stealing stuff or a decoy for another to steal stuff
Oster1 · M
@NinaTina 👀
Mardrae · F
@NinaTina oh wow - I never thought of that but I bet you're right!!
@NinaTina Of course, he had to be a thief. 🙄

TurtlePink · 22-25, F
BREAKING NEWS: Man invents fictional scenario and then gets angry about it….
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
@Elessar it is. I just think this post is a made up scenario
Elessar · 26-30, M
@TurtlePink I actually hope that's the case
Mardrae · F
@TurtlePink I'm sorry you feel that way but this 100% happened a few days ago.
Convivial · 26-30, F
In every discussion there's comes a point when you know it's useless to continue... Yelling is a good sign
Mardrae · F
@Convivial exactly. That's why I shut up after telling him I was a Jew myself and that anyone can "join the tribe " if they convert , then I went and got a manager., I try my best to avoid religious or political conversation
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It sounds like that man was mentally ill, tbh.
@cherokeepatti I think Desmond Dekker did.
Mardrae · F
@cherokeepatti no idea 🤷
@cherokeepatti I think I'll keep my god damn thoughts to myself from now on.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Assuming this is even real, I'm more and more convinced that letting COVID spread undisturbed a few years ago resulted in a lot of brains getting burnt (maybe even 1/3) and we're now simply seeing the effects play out.
Mardrae · F
@Elessar this post is definitely true, and I tend to agree with you about Covid. Also the vaccines have burnt people's brains as you put it. I've been a lot moodier since having 4 vaccines and catching Covid 3 times.
Mardrae · F
@pancakeslam you haven't given me one. You said I had lovely cellulite and I don't have any. That's called an insult
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
Who are their leaders? Farrakhan and Kanye West. Terrible examples for anyone. SMH.
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Mardrae · F
@flipper1966 more than likely.
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Mardrae · F
@bijouxbroussard oh trust me, I know. I guess I could have come up with a better worded title, but I couldn't think of a good one
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