I really hate society's double standards towards racism
I'm sure many would agree that racism is atrocious, period. But I'm just as sure that many of those same people would turn a blind eye to racism against the race that's the majority in a society. There's no dispute that the minority races are often subject to blatant racism, but because of that, it seems people have the mentality that that makes it okay to be openly racist against the majority race. A common argument I see supporting this BS is that the minority groups have it far worse when it comes to racism. One form of racism is worse than the other, basically. That's illogical. Just because one group may experience racism more doesn't make it a more severe form of racism. Either all racism is bad or none of it is. Believing otherwise is just plain hypocritical. To think most people (in the US, at least) actually shared this mindset one point and anyone who thought otherwise were shunned as being detrimental to the civil rights movement - a time when racial tensions were higher than ever, no less. Just goes to show how ass-backwards society has become.